YOU magazine survey of 2,000 women over 40 conducted by ResearchNow and published on July 2018 (84% straight, 12% bisexual or bi-curious in some way, 4% acted on that curiosity and had some kind of same-sex encounter)
(For more information, see the Topics Masturbation, Older Women & Younger Men, Orgasms, Sex Frequency, Sex Toys)
Stats from “The YOU survey: What women over 40 *really* think about sex,”, July 15, 2018.
“The company that conducted the YOU survey, ResearchNow, interviewed 2,000 women. Just over three quarters are in some form of committed, long-term relationship – 1,150 of those are married – but nearly a quarter describe themselves as single. And the majority are in the 45-64 age bracket, like me (reader, I turned 50 this year).”
Chart created and posted by December 2020