– Sex, Roommates and Hook ups During Quarantine

Everlywell.com survey of more than 500 U.S. adults (no gender/sex specified) ages 20-31 living in major American cities regarding their sexual activities during April 2-30, 2020

(For more information, see the Topics Birth ControlCoronavirus Lockdown & Sex, STD

Statistics from the Everlywell.com article, “How many people broke quarantine to have sex? Our new survey has the answers,” everlywell.com, accessed 11/25/2020. “EverlyWell offers access to laboratory testing for wellness monitoring, informational and educational use.”

Who was surveyed? – A representative sample of more than 500 U.S. adults ages 20-31 living in major American cities were surveyed regarding their sexual activities during April 2-30, when most of the country was under stay-at-home orders.

– Respondents living in cities not subject to stay-at-home orders in April or who were living with someone they were in a relationship with during April were screened out.”

Chart created and posted by SexEd.net November 2020