1. Stat #5 (of 5) from this study is the only section on STDs: Dating App Survey of Sex & U.S. Adults 50 to 80: A Lumen (dating app designed for singles over 50) survey of 2,003 adults from 50 to 80 (no gender/sex specified) in the U.S. published in usatoday.com May 2019
2. Stats #2, 4 (of 4) from this study are the only sections on STDs: Sex, Roommates and Hook ups During Quarantine: Everlywell.com survey of more than 500 U.S. adults (no gender/sex specified) ages 20-31 living in major American cities regarding their sexual activities during April 2-30, 2020
3. Stat #5 (of 6) from this study is the only section on STDs: Gay/Bisexual Men, Testing & the Pandemic: The “Love and Sex in the Time of COVID-19” survey conducted online from April to May, 2020, of 696 gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men
4. Stat #3 a. (of 3) from this study is the only section on STDs: South Korea & Sex: Study of sexual behaviors among 2,500 adults (1,273 men and 1,227 women) in South Korea published inthe World Journal of Men’s Health February 2020
5. Stat #10 (of 10) from this study is the only section on STDs: Sex and Teens – 2019: A cdc.gov Youth Risk Behavior Survey of U.S. high school students surveyed in 2019