1. Stat #1 c. (of 4) from this study is the only section on Oral Sex: Washington University in St. Louis – 2019 Sex Survey: Student Life independent newspaper of Washington University in St. Louis February 2019 sex survey of 2,027 students (60% cisgender* female, 37% cisgender male, 1% genderqueer, 75% heterosexual, 5% gay, 12% bisexual, 2% asexual, 5% questioning)

3. Stat #1 (of 3, Chart #2 Type of Vehicle Hook Up by Generation/Sex) from this study is the only section on Oral Sex: Two Charts on Cars & Sex: A driving-tests.org survey of more than 1,000 Americans about their experiences and preferences related to sexual activities in vehicles, updated November 2019